Monday, September 2, 2019

Sustainable September 2019

Well it’s that time of year again... this is where I am usually pushing environmental kindnesses and sustainability. However, this year I am taking a break. If you all miss it I can bring it back next year! So let me know!!! 

I have loved doing sustainable September for the last several years and if you want to go again there are plenty of ideas to keep you going with blog posts from the last few years. You can work your way through those ideas for more ways to live a more eco-friendly life. 

It does seem funny that I’m not going to be doing Sustainable September. Particularly today when I was out as Reading, Berkshires, England’s first ever Green Market. 

Whilst still relatively small the market has such amazing potential to grow into a wonderful sustainability experience for Reading. We haven’t got much here so more is just what we need! 

It was a lovely day out. And taking my reusable cup, cutlery, water bottle & carry bags I loved to see other Reading people get into the spirit of sustainability too. 

Even though, this year, I’m not doubt sustainable September. I will continue to do my own sustainable environmental kindnesses. After all, there is no planet B. 

Much love to you all, 
Daena x